About Blue Commodities

In 2015, a group of well-established brokers decided to pool their many years of industry experience and found Blue Oil Energy. They set out to create a broking house that would offer the utmost in service and discretion whilst bringing a fresh approach to the Middle Distillate and Gasoline markets in Europe.
The acquisition of Jackson Oil brought over 30 years of Oil Broking experience to the business, as well as adding a Bio-Diesel desk. Acquiring Barony brought an experienced barge broking team on board and we gained an additional office location in Dordrecht.
We have an ever-expanding team of first-class brokers from a range of backgrounds including trading, broking, and finance.

Original Members come together and incorporate as an LLP.

Start trading as Blue Oil Energy LLP.

Open office in Geneva.
Open West Africa desk.
Acquire Jackson Oil.

Open Fuel Oil desk.
Open Gasoil desk.
Acquire Barony Oil Products BV, adding a Barge desk in Dordrecht.

Move to a larger London office location.

Open Bio Products desk in Geneva.

Rebranding to Blue Commodities to reflect our expansion into new markets.
Acquire Jackson Rice and enter soft commodity markets.

Our Approach
We understand that each of our clients will have a unique set of circumstances and will be looking for a bespoke service from their broker. For this reason, we prioritise building the right relationship, using our range of information sources, and creating innovative solutions to maximise value for our customers.
We offer brokerage, analytics and consultancy services. Providing full market coverage and operational support for each transaction.
Our efforts have been rewarded with a client list comprising major oil companies, state oil companies, independent refiners and distributors, as well as trading houses large and small.
Blue Commodities
To get in touch and discuss career opportunities within Blue Commodities please contact us below. Please consider attaching a CV so we can better direct your enquiry.